Episode 25 – Marcus Katz Talking Tarot and Divination

September 25, 2018by Lonnie Scott0

Welcome to Weird Web Radio!

I’m your host, Lonnie Scott.

This episode features Marcus Katz. You may recognize his name from his book Tarosophy, or the many best selling books he wrote with Tali Goodwin. Those titles include Tarot Face to Face, Around The Tarot in 78 Days, Tarot Flip, and many more! Marcus is also the director of the Tarosophy Tarot Professionals Association. That Association honored me with the award Tarosophist of the Year in 2014! I also happen to be among the social media moderating team.

My own personal history with Marcus goes back to a promotion they ran for Around the Tarot in 78 Days. I got to meet him in person in Dallas in 2014 at TarotCon. He’s been a friend and mentor in my own Tarot journey. This is a time I can say without a doubt that having our paths cross was the catalyst for an enormous amount of change in my life at every level. All of that was a blessing.

Marcus and I cover some Tarot and Divination insights and issues, as well as his own journey into writing. Hard to believe this man wasn’t going to write for Llewellyn many years ago. Oh, how things change! Thank the Gods!

Here is a preview of what to expect:

Becoming A Best Selling Writer
Following Passion
Marcus Shares His First Poem
Tarot and Kaballah
Gaining A Deeper Sense of the Universe
What is Tarot Anyway?
Tarot In The Media
Deep Dive Into Court Cards
The Tarosophy Tarot Professionals Association
Marcus Sees a Ghost & Deals With the Haunting Challenge

You can find Marcus at http://www.tarosophist.com/ or http://www.marcuskatz.net/
You can find the Association’s free Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/tarotprofessionals/ and you can join the Association to get all the awesome benefits at http://www.tarotassociation.net/

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Stay weird, my friends!




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Intro voice over by Lothar Tuppan.
Outro voice over by Lonnie Scott
Intro & Outro Music by Nine Inch Nails on the album ‘7’, song title ‘Ghost’, under Creative Commons License.

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