Episode 49 – Jason Miller Talking Sorcery of Hekate

May 20, 2020by Lonnie Scott3

Welcome to Weird Web Radio!

This episode brings back the man, the myth, the living legend Jason Miller!

There are few people living or dead that have had the amount of impact on my life that Jason could claim. I’ve been using and abusing Jason’s approach to Sorcery for many years. This episode is all about yet another course that has reshaped some of my practice and given me another complete system to explore. This is The Sorcery of Hekate course! I’ve been part of the cycle over the last seven months. There’s much I could say, but I left most of that up to Jason.

My own experience has transformed my relationship and understanding of Hekate. She’s been a minor part of my work for years. Now she’s central force in my life. The techniques taught in the course have become a good part of my own system now. The spirits in this course are a huge discovery! In fact, the lessons of the Eight – students and alumni will know what I mean – helped me solve the mystery of other spirits in my Sorcery. There is so much to unpack in the course. You’ll be glad you did it!

I highly recommend this course to anyone that can manage the investment right now. The next cycle starts June 8th, 2020. That’s just a couple weeks away from this release date!

Sorcery of Hekate Course Info Page & Sign-up: https://www.strategicsorcery.net/sorcery-of-hekate-is-starting-june-8th-2020/

Jason’s Bio:

Jason Miller (Inominandum) has devoted 30 years to studying practical magic in its many forms. He is the author of the now classic Protection and Reversal Magick as well as several other books. He teaches a number of courses online including the Strategic Sorcery Training Course, The Black School of St Cyprian, and The Sorcery of Hekate.

He’s belonged to a few groups, traveled to a few magical hotspots, and been initiated into this and that, none of which is very important. What is important is that he can do magic that actually works. More to the point, his students tell him he can teach them magic that works. If you still want the impressive list of groups, initiations, ordinations, along with photographic proof you can find them at www.strategicsorcery.net., along with stuff that actually might be useful like his blog, newsletter, and course info.

Jason On The Web:

Main Site: https://www.strategicsorcery.net/

Want to know what Jason SHARES ABOUT HIS OWN SUCCESS AND FAILURES WITH SORCERY OF HEKATE?! All that and more in the members only bonus audio extended interview! Join here!

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Intro voice over by Lothar Tuppan.
Outro voice over by Lonnie Scott
Intro & Outro Music by Nine Inch Nails on the album ‘7’, song title ‘Ghost’, under Creative Commons License.


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