Episode 63 – Road Spirits With Aidan Wachter

June 22, 2021by Lonnie Scott0

Welcome to Weird Web Radio!

This episode is the launch of a new special series called Road Spirits! This series will be all about magical people having magical adventures and what they discover along the way. Why? We all travel. We all go on vacations. Well, we try and hope. Maybe this will inspire you. Traveling as magical people takes on extra depth. We look for the mysteries, the spiritual places, and the history. We find ourselves in strange encounters too. This series is my way of making these conversations more important.

First up is Aidan Wachter! Aidan has done a LOT of traveling. He insists it’s moving – and he is pretty much a Nomad – but he doesn’t stay anywhere long. He has some amazing stories from the road and the places he called home through out his life. I hope you enjoy the journey he takes us on!

The New Road Spirits logo is available on swag in the shop too!

Aidan’s Bio:

My approach to all I do is both informed and driven by my magical practice and spirit contacts. I believe that magic, sorcery, shamanry, witchcraft and related practices are the root of human spiritual culture. As Western societies grow more fundamentalist (particularly in the USA), in their expressions of both religion and materialism, there has been strong pressure to move away from the magical approaches which are, I believe, the birthright of humans. If we humans are indeed in some way special, I would like to think that this is not all in our material progress as expressed in rampant industrialism (and it’s co-mingled social, psychic, and planetary degradation), but in our ability to directly interface with the vast array of beings and experiences that make up the world we inhabit, both this material Earth we dwell upon as well as the Otherworlds of the spirits. My aim as author, sorcerer, and artist is to facilitate this communication between ourselves and these others.

Enjoy the show! Stay Weird, my friends!

Find Aidan On The Web:


Six Ways & Weaving Fate Discussion Group


Official Site

Want to know what Aidan and I Talk about in the bonus portion?! We go WAY DEEPER into Sorcery and Adventures playing a game of insights and answers based on the letter A! All that and more in the members only bonus audio extended interview! Join here!

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Real quick! Do you want a Tarot Reading from an international award winning professional? Look no more! I’m here! Go to my site http://tarotheathen.com to reserve your reading today!

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Intro voice over by Lothar Tuppan.
Outro voice over by Lonnie Scott
Intro & Outro Music by Nine Inch Nails on the album ‘7’, song title ‘Ghost’, under Creative Commons License.

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