Episode 67 – Halloween Special Featuring Aidan Wachter & Morgan Daimler Bonuses

October 31, 2021by Lonnie Scott0

Hey Gang!

Welcome to Weird Web Radio! Happy Halloween & Blessed Samhain!

This is my annual treat to my audience. A Halloween gift of bonus audio that only the Patreon membership gets to hear! This year I chose two to share. Both of them are from bonus content last season with Aidan Wachter and Morgan Daimler. These are extended interview portions that feature more fun than usual. I hope you enjoy!

Aidan’s Bio:

My approach to all I do is both informed and driven by my magical practice and spirit contacts. I believe that magic, sorcery, shamanry, witchcraft and related practices are the root of human spiritual culture. As Western societies grow more fundamentalist (particularly in the USA), in their expressions of both religion and materialism, there has been strong pressure to move away from the magical approaches which are, I believe, the birthright of humans. If we humans are indeed in some way special, I would like to think that this is not all in our material progress as expressed in rampant industrialism (and it’s co-mingled social, psychic, and planetary degradation), but in our ability to directly interface with the vast array of beings and experiences that make up the world we inhabit, both this material Earth we dwell upon as well as the Otherworlds of the spirits. My aim as author, sorcerer, and artist is to facilitate this communication between ourselves and these others.

Aidan On The Web:


Six Ways & Weaving Fate Discussion Group


Official Site

Morgan’s Bio:

Morgan Daimler is a witch who has been a polytheist since the early ’90′s. Following a path inspired by the Fairy Faith blended with neopagan witchcraft, Morgan teaches classes on Irish myth and magical practices, fairies, and related subjects in the United States and internationally. Morgan has been published in multiple anthologies as well as in Witches & Pagans magazine and Pagan Dawn magazine. Morgan has over a dozen titles available through Moon Books which include Fairies: A Guide to the Celtic Fair Folk and A New Dictionary of Fairies and has also self-published Old and Middle Irish language translations, and has an urban fantasy/paranormal romance series called Between the Worlds.

Morgan On The Web:

Morgan’s blog: http://lairbhan.blogspot.com/
Morgan on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Morgandaimler/
Morgan on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Morgan-Daimler/e/B0047QW0WY

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Intro voice over by Lothar Tuppan.
Outro voice over by Lonnie Scott
Intro & Outro Music by Nine Inch Nails on the album ‘7’, song title ‘Ghost’, under Creative Commons License.

Stay Weird, my friends!

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