Episode 78 – SJ Tucker Talking Trickster Prayers, Music and Magic

July 22, 2022by Lonnie Scott0

Welcome to Weird Web Radio!

This episode feature SJ Tucker! Around here, we call her Sooj.

Sooj and I have an amazing conversation about music, guitars, spirits, land spirits, history, events in our new covid era, magic and more! Can music become magic? Will connecting with your local land provide more than just history? What kind of encounters with spirits has Sooj had in her travels? All that awaits with so much more. I maintain that Sooj Tucker is a living avatar of the storytelling force that has been with humanity since our beginning. I started this show with a guest and ended with a friend!

Check out Sooj’s Bio:

These new Roaring Twenties have brought challenges to us all, but Sooj has kept the lights on and the music going thanks to her incredible, loyal fans worldwide & their willingness to attend & get the word out about her online shows. On her plate for the near future are a long-awaited follow-up to her spiritually focused Blessings album, a return to full-time touring when it is safe to do so, continued online concerts with varying themes & on-location filming, and a record of songs all inspired by the local Southern lore & folkways Sooj has encountered on her adventures closer to home. Sooj hopes to keep successfully straddling the line between touring, presenting online shows, and producing new musical content as all the coming chapters unfold like vibrant leaves. Her greatest wish is for us all to adapt, survive, and succeed with our whimsy intact.

I hope you enjoy the show! Stay Weird, my friends!

SJ Tucker On The Web:

SJ Tucker’s Link Tree

Trickster Prayer Performed Live

SJ Tucker’s Patreon

Want to know what Sooj and I Talk about in the bonus portion?! Sooj shares a story about an amazing young woman who fought the system in the Delta and more! All that and more in the members only bonus audio extended interview! Join here!

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Real quick! Do you want a Tarot Reading from an international award winning professional? Look no more! I’m here! Go to my site http://tarotheathen.com to reserve your reading today!

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Intro voice over by Lothar Tuppan.
Outro voice over by Lonnie Scott
Intro & Outro Music by Nine Inch Nails on the album ‘7’, song title ‘Ghost’, under Creative Commons License.

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