Episode 79 – Courtney Weber Talking Witchcraft, Visions, and Hekate

August 13, 2022by Lonnie Scott0

Welcome to Weird Web Radio!

This Episode features Courtney Weber! Courtney and I have a conversation about her journey into Witchcraft, dreams and psychic visions, dealing with spirits, hauntings, Ouija Boards, sensible skepticism in Magic, Hekate, and Pirates! This episode was a lot fun!

Please do check out all of Courtney’s work. The first one that hit my radar – thank you Gia at Weiser Books – was Hekate Goddess of Witches. I said this in the show, and I meant it. I’ve read as much as I can find about Hekate. I’ve taken courses with Jason Miller and Jack Grayle. Courtney’s book is an excellent addition to the growing collection of ways to connect to Hekate. This Goddess is a vital part of my practice and my life. I recommend finding all the teaching you can from the growing voices, books, and courses. Courtney’s book is an essential one.

Courtney’s Bio:

Courtney Weber is a Witch, author, Tarot adviser, and activist. She is the author of Brigid: History, Mystery, and Magick of the Celtic Goddess, Tarot for One: The Art of Reading for Yourself, The Morrigan: Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might, and Hekate: Goddess of Witches. She is a co-host of That Witch Life podcast. She is a co-host of “That Witch Life Podcast.” Courtney has been featured in the Maxim, Huffington Post, Vice, and the Thom Hartmann Show.

Courtney On The Web:

Instagram & TikTok: @courtneyaweber

Twitter: @thecocowitch

Official Site: http://www.courtneyaweber.com

Courtney’s Podcast: https://thatwitchlife.com/

Enjoy The Show! Stay Weird, My Friends!

Want to know what Courtney and I Talk about in the bonus portion?! Courtney goes rapid fire! All that and more in the members only bonus audio extended interview! Join here!

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Real quick! Do you want a Tarot Reading from an international award winning professional? Look no more! I’m here! Go to my site http://tarotheathen.com to reserve your reading today!

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Intro voice over by Lothar Tuppan.
Outro voice over by Lonnie Scott
Intro & Outro Music by Nine Inch Nails on the album ‘7’, song title ‘Ghost’, under Creative Commons License.

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