Episode 90 – Mortellus – We Just F’d Up Your Religion

July 30, 2023by Lonnie Scott0

Welcome to Weird Web Radio!

Once again, back is the incredible Mortellus!

In this episode we talk about the new book, The Bones Fall in a Spiral, finally being available through Crossed Crow Books! We take our usual turn into weird historical people, Wicca and Heathen common ground, Paganism in general, Ghosts, a really funny way of thinking about the deities we all honor (thus the title), and much more! It is always a good time when Mortellus and I get a chance to chat. There is sort of a special guest on this one too. We may owe Mat Auryn money. Unclear. Enjoy the episode! Stay Weird!

In the Patreon Portion, we dig into Mediumship and Spirit Communication!

Mortellus Bio:

Mortellus is the High Priestex of the Coven of Leaves in Rutherfordton NC, a Gardnerian Coven operating an Outer Court training group who like to say that they are a bubbling cauldron of bitter esoterica slithering their way through Western North Carolina. Additionally, they are a Mortician, Author, Medium, and Necromancer. Their book of pagan death rites and rituals for Llewellyn is set to come out Winter of 2020 with a second un-announced project in the works. Currently, they resides on 3 acres that are hastily becoming overgrown again with their husband, daughter, two year old boy girl twins, two chickens, and one really, really ridiculous dog. They are the author of a book on pagan death rites and rituals titled “Do I have to Wear Black?”, and also The Bones Fall in a Spiral: An Introduction to Necromancy and the Magic of Death.

Mortellus On The Web:

Main Site: https://www.mortellus.com/

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Mortellus

Please enjoy the show! And please share it all around!

Want to know what Mortellus and I talk about in the BONUS Audio?! It’s a Special Member’s Only Episode!! All that and more in the members only bonus audio extended interview! Join here!

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Real quick! Do you want a Tarot Reading from an international award winning professional? Look no more! I’m here! Go to my site http://tarotheathen.com to reserve your reading today!

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Intro voice over by Lothar Tuppan.
Outro voice over by Lonnie Scott
Intro & Outro Music by Nine Inch Nails on the album ‘7’, song title ‘Ghost’, under Creative Commons License.

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