My Personal Farewell to Witchvox

January 5, 2020by Lonnie Scott0

September 11th. 2001.

A day that needs no introduction to most people.

I was sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal when I watched the news start streaming in about the first plane. I felt sick and could only watch the news unfold. It wasn’t long before the second plane struck. We all know how the rest went that terrible day.

I was struck with such intense loneliness I could hardly breathe.

My Pagan journey and magical exploration was already well established. I just did everything alone. Sure, I had a group of friends who were all doing their thing too, but we didn’t do the same rituals nor even believe the same things. I was alone in a world where terror strikes on that scale, and suddenly that didn’t feel okay anymore.

Enter Witchvox.

I found Witchvox like most people by searching online. Young readers may not realize how clunky and slow that was compared to lightning quick streaming today. The site looked like a good place to hang a shingle and connect with Pagans in my area.

Mission: Find the Others.

That search didn’t land me in any coven, grove, cabal or kindred aside from some failed attempts at making my own. It did help find coffee shop meetups and other networking opportunities. I may not have felt compelled to worship with most I encountered, or even conduct magic with them, but it was really good to know I wasn’t alone in our local Pagan sphere.

Years went by where I would occasionally update my Witchvox profile, change my picture, and look for new people in the area. Note: I said picture. I always looked at profiles with pictures first. People like to see people. However, Witchvox never amounted to group building locally in my world.

Witchvox did provide a great resource when traveling. Local information was easy to find whether you needed stores, networking meetups, ritual groups, or even clergy for a wedding! I referenced the site for every state I have ever visited.

I can’t say Witchvox was the best and greatest thing in my life. It was a consistent resource where everyone’s mileage would vary. It was one of a few really good tools in any Pagan bag of tricks online. I know it will be sorely missed when I head out on my next adventure.

I’m keeping this one short and sweet. Enjoy the screenshots of my different listings on Witchvox below.

Thank you to Wren Walker and Fritz Jung along with all their other staff for the years of service to our communities! May you all be blessed with good fortune and great wealth in your next path!

Stay Weird, my friends!

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