
The mental discipline with a moutain of benefits.

If you have a vision or visitation from any outside force in your meditation, you should tell that distraction to go away and detach. However, sometimes it’s more than your mind doing brain things.

Years ago, I was sitting in meditation when the strong metallic smell of blood hit me hard enough to make me think I was severely wounded. I went to open my eyes to check, but discovered I was in a deep trance unlike anything I ever experienced in the past.

A vision pulled me into it so I could witness events as a spirit unseen. I knew why I was there immediately. There was a priestess on a shoreline surrounded by sacrificed liverstock. She was crying out to the Gods to stop killing her people. She wanted to know with desperation how to save the remaining lives of her people. I could see a small wooden cage nearby with a couple bound and gagged prisoners. I knew they were next for the blade.

I could see the microscopic airborn plague surrounding the village. That priestess didn’t know about bacteria, viruses, antibiotics, or anything beyond what she was taught to help. First the herbs for the sick, followed by offerings. As the piles of dead grew bigger, the priestess chose blood for blood. Now she was staring down her final option.

Human sacrifice.

I had spent the previous few weeks researching human sacrifice. I asked Odin and others why they would allow it. I wondered if they inspired it as much as human leaders just decided it was good power play.

That vision gave me much more than I will share here. It opened avenues of knowledge unlike anything I dreamed possible.

And it scared the shit out of me.

What I didn’t know right away was a detail about the priestess. She is one of my Ancestors. A specific ancestor coming forward as a teacher along my path. I learned a great deal of wisdom from her lessons that followed, but it shook my practice to its core before I could even connect with her properly.

You may be wondering about all that sacrifice business. I do not support such practices unless we are going to execute a child molester properly found guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Ya dig? That shit was as much a way for the elite to remain in power – perhaps mostly – rather than a real inspired religious practice. Regardless of what I think, that archaic abuse of people belongs in the dust bin of history.

I’m teaching my Ancestor Veneration Course beginning August 1st. This course will go for 16 weeks! You’ll learn more about that priestess. What she taught me is a part of what you’ll learn in this course.

Course Lessons also include:

  • What Are Ancestors?
  • First Steps to Real Relationship
  • Research
  • Divination For Communication
  • Ancestors of Blood and Bone
  • Ancestors of Spirit
  • Ancestors of Place
  • Trance Journey To Ancestors
  • Special Ancestor Talisman
  • Working With Specific Ancestor
  • Dealing With Assholes on the Tree
  • Generations of Christian Ancestry
  • Make It Personal

The Ancestors want a real relationship with you. They play a large part in my life, and I’m excited to share them with you.

You can find all the information on the class here.

Click Here To Enroll Now!

Stay Weird, my friends!

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