Episode 95 – Aidan Wachter – The Crossroads Had Other Plans

November 25, 2023by Lonnie Scott1

Welcome to Weird Web Radio!

Guess who’s back! Back Again! AIDAN WACHTER is back! Tell your friends!

Aidan’s back! Aidan’s back! Aidan’s back!

Any fan of this show knows by now that Aidan Wachter is not only a common guest on here, but more importantly, Aidan is among those rare friends I count as found family. When he warned me a long while ago that he was going to disappear for a while, I didn’t realize it would be total silence for a long time. I know why. It’s all good. It was needed. We dig into that for a while in this episode. In fact, we go deep into several subjects which were in part inspired by questions from Patreon members and a special Facebook group built around a community that explores Aidan’s published works. This was not only a fun episode. It was also very good conversation with a friend. It was one we decided it was time to hit record.

Aidan stuck around for about another hour in the Patreon Bonus Audio portion! We took a real deep dive into devotion vs magic vs religion and more!

Aidan’s BIO:

Aidan Wachter has been actively involved in magical practice for a really long time. His work reflects a wide-ranging eclectic and non-dogmatic approach with influences from many paths. He writes with a focus on the practice of the craft as a learnable set of skills that can be developed rather than as an innate set of talents that must be inherited or granted to the seeker. He is the author of Six Ways: Approaches & Entries For Practical Magic, Weaving Fate: Hypersigils, Changing the Past, & Telling True Lies, and Changeling: A Book Of Qualities.

Aidan On The Web:

Main Site: https://aidanwachter.com

Enjoy the show! Stay Weird!

Want to know what Aidan and I Talk about in the bonus portion?! We go WAY DEEPER into Mysteries, religion, devotion and magic! All that and more in the members only bonus audio extended interview! Join here!

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Real quick! Do you want a Tarot Reading from an international award winning professional? Look no more! I’m here! Go to my site http://tarotheathen.com to reserve your reading today!

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Intro voice over by Lothar Tuppan.
Outro voice over by Lonnie Scott
Intro & Outro Music by Nine Inch Nails on the album ‘7’, song title ‘Ghost’, under Creative Commons License.

One comment

  • Morgen

    November 30, 2023 at 3:54 pm

    What a great conversation with aiden. I love listening to his episodes. But what really struck me during this conversation was the boundaries conversation that Lonnie and Aiden had it was so timely.
    There were so many other aspects of this interview that struck chords it’s almost too much to even list. Thanks again Lonnie thanks again Aiden.


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